A man with a double leg amputation using a wheelchair to propel down a rough road.
Credit: UNICEF

Wheelchairs in emergencies

6 Lessons

Module details

This module teaches how to provide wheelchairs in emergencies following four service steps.

Module duration: 5 hours online, followed by supervised practice as needed.

Before you start, check that you have completed this module:

If you are planning to provide other mobility assistive products in emergencies, complete modules in this order:

  1. Introduction to assistive products
  2. Mobility assistive products
  3. Walking aids
  4. Wheelchairs in emergencies.

Emergency assistive product provision

This module is only for providing wheelchairs in an emergency situation. It is a response to immediate high demand following an emergency, and does not replace the WHO Wheelchair Service Training Package.

This module will teach you how to provide a wheelchair and cushion safely. These products assist a person to be mobile and access relief efforts. This is important for their survival in an emergency situation.

The module includes wheelchairs for personal use. It does not include wheelchairs for transporting a person from one place to another in a clinic or hospital situation.

Resources you will need

  • Wheelchairs (different types of wheelchair, one in each available size)
  • Tools for assembly and adjustment
  • Comfort cushion
  • Pressure relief cushion
  • An area which includes slopes, steps and rough ground for teaching wheelchair skills. An area that is under cover will make it useful in all weather conditions
  • Leg raiser (if available)
  • Stump board (if available).

Click on the links below to download and print the:

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